2008년 3월 15일 토요일

1st summary

In class information technology we read Sandy Stone's “Welcome to the present” and Vannevar Bush’s “As we may think.” We talked about digital media technologies that connect or separate people, which become media. For instance, car is being a medium of transference with starting point and arrival point also separates person with outside and egg white being the medium of art, connecting powder paint and wall. Also that technology embodies various things in our society. We also learned about computer technology that it doesn’t have to start as silicon and gold and it doesn’t need to be implemented as hardware or software. Like DNA or GOD, we cannot actually see and prove them but we just know that it is there and it exists. In Vannever Bush’s “As we may think,” Bush argued that as humans turned from war, scientific efforts should shift from increasing physical abilities to making all previous collected human knowledge more accessible. So, he made Memex which records information and minimalizes the problem that human made. The Memex and we can get information very quickly and easily. It is just like World Wide Web that we are using now.
It was very difficult to read the article but I found that it was very interesting and I was surprised that Vannevar Bush has thought about Memex at that time around 1930~40. If he had actually made it, I think it would have been world-shaking invention. I too want to actually make a great invention like him.

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