2008년 4월 26일 토요일

6th summary

Last week we had midterm exam so we didn’t have class. This week’s lecture was about human-computer interaction (HCI). The definition of HCI is about how people can interact with computer and themselves. In related ideas, there was Freud who talked about unconsciousness and Sherry Tukle who is a beautiful scientist who thought computers as “second selves” and as “evocative objects.
We saw Alan Kay's presentation which was held in 1969. It was about making really amazing things with figures. Professor said that it was similar to MS Visio but it is far more difficult. As HCI is related to design, it is not just decoration.
The universities, company like Xerox PARC, Apple and also military is very keen on HCI. They are interested in very complicated things that can be used in Navy or Air force but also simple things for example, using webcam that is already common in the society.
HCI can meet with AI, for instance, again in Amazon, whenever a person log in to the site, it says “Welcome Mr./Mrs. momomo” and tells the customer what they have read and introduce similar books that they have read. The one who shows this to the customer is not a person who waits for the customer to log in all day long and greeting him.
Johnstone invents a story easily, but she doesn’t feel obliged to be creative or sensitive or whatever, because she believes the story is my invention. In Johnstone’s “algorithm”, you think you are getting the right answer but actually, you are making the story by yourself. It has nearly nothing to do with your question and it may not give the right answer too.
About ethnomethodology which means how people are making sense of their social world.
In society, friendly like SMS which we are always using in our society, was first invented for the deaf. Also in a movie, we think there is a moving picture but it is actually still images that are passing fast.
The video clip of Alan Kay’s presentation was wonderful like magic when he moved his mouse, there was a reptile (?) following behind. Also there were things that are related to HCI, the movie that I didn’t even thought about when I saw them, hand printing and breath identification and breath identification and pills as physical UI were again new to me as I knew after it was connected to HCI. I think I might look for those things next time whenever I watch something.

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