This week we only had one lesson, because we had to vote. The main topic was about artificial intelligence. We had a look at Alan Turing who was founder of computer science, artificial intelligence, mathematician, philosopher, code breaker, and a gay man (later he was arrested as a homosexual and killed himself by cyanide poisoning). He introduced to German Enigma cipher machine which was used in World War Ⅱ. It was used for the military secret messages as it is similar to cryptography. He also invented (?) imitation game which is played with three people, a man, a woman, and an interrogator who may be of either one. And the object of the game for the interrogator is to determine which of the other two is man and which is woman. The man tries to get the interrogator wrong by acting like woman and woman’s object of game is to help the interrogator to get it right. When doing this game, he thought ‘if computer overtakes the role of the man how would it be?’, ‘will it be same as when person plays the game?’ Then from his thinking, we thought ‘what is thinking?’ When computer actually playing the game, is it actually thinking? Can computers think? The movie in AI, there appears an artificial intelligence called “David”. He is a computer robot and at the same time he is a boy. He(it) acts like a human being and he(it) actually think that he(it) is human.
Marvin Minsky made a definition that artificial intelligence [AI] is the sciences of making machines do things that would require intelligence as if done by humans. It is just my thinking but it would be a little freaky if we actually had a computer that is just same as human beings. But it would be astonishing when I get to see the artificial intelligence in my own eyes. This week’s lesson was very fun as we saw many clip videos and the topic itself, artificial intelligence was very interesting.
Marvin Minsky made a definition that artificial intelligence [AI] is the sciences of making machines do things that would require intelligence as if done by humans. It is just my thinking but it would be a little freaky if we actually had a computer that is just same as human beings. But it would be astonishing when I get to see the artificial intelligence in my own eyes. This week’s lesson was very fun as we saw many clip videos and the topic itself, artificial intelligence was very interesting.
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