2008년 3월 29일 토요일

3rd summary

This week’s main subject was WWW (: World Wide Web). WWW is the one we are always using when doing the internet. We use it almost everyday but we don’t actually know what exactly WWW is. As Dr.Yoon said, WWW is a collaboratively authored hypertext, a standard and it is a vast, heterogeneous network of people and machines. This week’s key points were that new media do not replace old media, but they displace them. Displacing is different from replacing as replacing is like superseding but displacing is replacing something and going further and developing. The other key point is that people make media and then media make people.
Also from the lesson I knew for the first time that Tim Berners-lee made WWW. We also has a look at ISO which is International Standard Organization, IETF which is Internet Engineering Task Force and RFC which is Request For Comments, receiving people’s comments and advertising standard. We also learned the address system URI(Universal Resource Identifiers), a network protocol HTTP(Hypertext Transport Protocol) and A markup language HTML(Hypertext Markup Language).
This week’s lesson was particularly hard but I think I am getting better and better.

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